Gem Necklaces
Strong focus on gems and unique designs - also see Designer Jewellery
Beads with gem heart
$41.00 -
Beads with gem heart
$41.00 -
Beads with gem heart
$41.00 -
Black Agate and Silver
$88.00 -
Black Agate Flat Ovals Necklace
$88.00 -
Black Water Jasper, Black Agate and Onyx Necklace
$135.00 -
Blue cracked agate and pyrite necklace
$75.00 -
Blue Quartz, Turquoise and Silver necklace
$155.00 -
Coral and Turquoise
$77.00 -
Coral Mala
$41.80 -
Fancy Jasper with Tugas wood
$89.00 -
Green Jasper and Zirconia
$105.00 -
Hematite Necklace
$26.50 -
Jade beads and silver ball
$66.00 -
Jade beads on wire
$46.00 -
Long crystal, pearl and onyx
$165.00 -
Necklace of amethyst and sterling silver beads
$55.00 -
Necklace of sterling silver, jasper, smoky quartz, onyx and fresh water pearls
$53.50 -
Necklace of three strands of onyx, fresh water pearls and sterling silver beads with marcasite bars, and a drop of marcasite and large onyx disk
$175.00 -
Onyx and Mother Pearl
$125.00 -
Pearls and silver heart
$155.00Out of stock
Rosewood Mala
$10.90 -
Smokey Quartz
$130.00 -
Spanish pearls
$156.00 -
Sugilite and Onyx
$150.00 -
Sugilite Neck
$48.00 -
Tigers Eye, Coral and Hematite Necklace
$126.50 -
Turqoise and Natural Agate
$135.00 -
Turquoise and Coral Necklace
$155.00 -
Turquoise Necklace