Quality essential oils available as singles and blends.
Essential oils are seventy to a hundred times more concentrated than the plant itself. The oils are the prana, Qi or the life force of the plant. We respond to smell more emotionally than we respond to other stimuli. Essential oils can benefit our mental and emotional state by candle or electric oil burner.
See also Health for lavender packs, eye pillows and Energy Sprays
The information contained on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not provided to diagnose, prescribe or treat any condition of the body. The information on this website should not be used as a substitute for medical counselling with a health professional.
7 Chakra Balancing Spray
$19.60 -
Antipodes Organic Divine Face Oil Organic Avocado Oil & Rosehip 10ml
$15.00 -
$7.50 -
Aromamatic Aromamist Ultrasonic Mist Diffuser Mistique
$89.00 -
Ausganica Neroli
$19.95 -
Basil essential oil
$9.70 -
Basil Essential Oil
$19.95 -
$8.25 -
$45.00 -
Bergamot essential oil
$12.50 -
Black Pepper essential oil
$18.60 -
Buddha Wood Essential Oil
$15.00 -
Cajeput essential oil
$7.50 -
Calendula Infused Oil
$7.50 -
$15.40Out of stock
Camphor essential oil
$7.50 -
Cedarwood Atlas essential oil
$11.00 -
Celestial Essence Sprays
$24.00 -
Celtic Oil Burner - Black
$39.00Out of stock
Celtic Oil Burner - Sage
$39.00Out of stock
Ceramic Elephant Oil Burner
$25.00 -
Ceramic Oil Burners
$7.50 -
Chamomile 3% Essential Oil
$18.35 -
Chamomile Roman
$16.90Out of stock
$22.00 -
Cinnamon Leaf essential oil
$11.00 -
Clary Sage essential oil
$33.00 -
Clove essential oil
$12.50 -
Coriander essential oil
$24.74 -
Cypress Essential Oil