Merino - warm durable, fast drying
Merino Wool has unique characteristics. Each fibre is exceptionally fine, long and densely crimped, retaining heat close to the skin and keeping out cold air. The fibre also wicks moisture away from the skin, allowing the Merino to stay warm and dry. Spun Merino retains all of these qualities and is one of the most durable natural yarns.
See also Possum Fur
- Accessories
- Animal Characters
- Eco Aroma Pure Essentials
- Aromatherapy Oil Burners
- Floral Waters
- Lavender and Pot Pourri
- Melts
- Natural Clearing Sprays
- Silverstone and Other Pure Essential Oils
- Perfume and Fragrance
- Pure Earth Essential Oils
- Ra essential oil blends
- Rosehip Oil
- Sensationoil
- Springfields Essential Oils
- Tisserand Oils
- Massage and body oils and creams
- Vrindavan essential oils 25ml and 50ml bottles
- Organic Goodness Reed Diffusers
- Thurlby Herb
- Austrian Crystals - faceted crystals
- Books, Tarot Cards
- Candles
- Clothing
Crystals and Gems
- Agate Gemstones
- Agate Jewellery
- Amazonite Jewellery
- Amber Gemstones
- Amber Jewellery
- Amethyst Gemstones
- Amethyst Jewellery
- Ametrine Jewellery
- Angelite Gemstones
- Apatite Jewellery
- Apophyllite Gemstones
- Aqua Aura Gemstones
- Aqua Aura Jewellery
- Aquamarine Gemstones
- Aquamarine Jewellery
- Aragonite Gemstones
- Aragonite Jewellery
- Astrophyllite Gemstones
- Astrophyllite Jewellery
- Aventurine Gemstones
- Aventurine Jewellery
- Azurite Gemstones
- Azurite Jewellery
- Azurite-Malachite Jewellery
- Bloodstone Gemstones
- Bloodstone Jewellery
- Blue Lace Jewellery
- Calcite Gemstones
- Calcite Jewellery
- Carnelian Gemstones
- Carnelian Jewellery
- Celestite Jewellery
- Chalcedony Jewellery
- Charoite Jewellery
- Chiastolite Gemstones
- Chiastolite Jewellery
- Chrysanthemum Gemstones
- Chrysocolla Jewellery
- Chrysoprase Jewellery
- Citrine Gemstones
- Citrine Jewellery
- Coral Jewellery
- Crystal Clusters
- Crystal Key Rings
- Crystal Kits
- Crystal Points
- Crystal singing bowl
- Double Terminated Formations
- Egg Shape Gemstones
- Emerald Jewellery
- Eudialyte Jewellery
- Fluorite Gemstones
- Fluorite Jewellery
- Free Form Gems
- Garnet Gemstones
- Garnet Jewellery
- Gaspeite Jewellery
- Gemstone Figurines, Animals, carvings
- Gemstones (A-E)
- Gemstones (F-O)
- Gemstones (P-Z)
- Generators
- Geodes
- Gift Cards with Crystals
- Goldstone Jewellery
- Green Amethyst
- Heart Gemstone Pendants
- Heart Shape Gemstones
- Hematite Gemstones
- Hematite Jewellery
- Howlite Gemstones
- Howlite Jewellery
- Hypersthene Jewellery
- Iolite Jewellery
- Jade Gemstones
- Jade Jewellery
- Jasper Gemstones
- Jasper Jewellery
- Jet Gemstones
- Jet Jewellery
- Kunzite Gemstones
- Kunzite Jewellery
- Kyanite Gemstones
- Kyanite Jewellery
- Labradorite Gemstones
- Labradorite Jewellery
- Lapis Gemstones
- Lapis Jewellery
- Larimar Jewellery
- Lepidolite Gemstones
- Lepidolite Jewellery
- Lingams
- Malachite Gemstones
- Malachite Jewellery
- Mangano Gemstones
- Massage Wands
- Moldavite Gemstones
- Moldavite Jewellery
- Mookite Gemstones
- Mookite Jewellery
- Moonstone Gemstones
- Moonstone Jewellery
- Nuumite Crystals
- Nuumite Jewellery
- Obelisks
- Obsidian Gemstones
- Obsidian Jewellery
- Onyx Gemstones
- Onyx Jewellery
- Opal Jewellery
- Other gems
- Pearls
- Pendulums
- Peridot Jewellery
- Petalite Jewellery
- Pietersite Gemstones
- Pietersite Jewellery
- Prehnite Gemstones
- Prehnite Jewellery
- Pyramids
- Pyrite Gemstones
- Pyrite Jewellery
- Quartz Gemstones
- Quartz Jewellery
- Rhodochrosite Gemstones
- Rhodochrosite Jewellery
- Rhodonite Gemstones
- Rhodonite Jewellery
- Rhyolite Gemstones
- Rose Quartz Gemstones
- Rose Quartz Jewellery
- Ruby Gemstones
- Ruby in Zoisite Gemstones
- Ruby Jewellery
- Ruby Zoisite Jewellery
- Rutilated Quartz Jewellery
- Selenite Gemstones
- Selenite Jewellery
- Seraphinite Jewellery
- Serpentine Gemstones
- Serpentine Jewellery
- Shiva Lingams
- Smokey Quartz
- Smokey Quartz Jewellery
- Sodalite Gemstones
- Sodalite Jewellery
- Spheres
- Stichtite in Serpentine Gemstones
- Sugilite Jewellery
- Sunstone Jewellery
- Tektite Jewellery
- Thumb Stones
- Tiger Eye Gemstones
- Tiger Eye Jewellery
- Tiger Iron Gemstones
- Topaz Jewellery
- Tourmaline Gemstones
- Tourmaline Jewellery
- Trees with gemstones
- Tumbles
- Turquoise Gemstones
- Turquoise Jewellery
- Unakite Gemstones
- Unakite Jewellery
- Variscite Jewellery
- Girasol Jewellery
- Amazonite gemstones
- Egyptian
- Feng Shui
- Gifting Ideas
- Gifts, Home
Greeting Cards
- Once-Upon-A-Time-Vintage
- Blueberry Cards
- Cards by Nicole
- Cats by Margaret
- Crystal Cards
- Gift Bags
- Japanese Cards
- Mimba
- Other Artists
- Small Gift Cards
- Small Gift Cards by Blueberry Paper
- Small Gift Tags
- The Paperie Italian
- Tree-Free Greetings Cards
- Turkish Miniature Carpet Cards
- English Fine Art Greeting Cards
- Australian Art Cards
- Aqua Hydration
- Ayurveda Herb and Spice Teas
- Bach Flower Remedies
- Biosun Ear Candles
- Chai
- Coconut Oil
- Egyptian Red Tea
- Findhorn Flower Essences
- Hemp Oil
- Lavender Eye Pillows
- Lavender Wheat Bags
- Maharishi Honey
- Mobile Phone Protection
- Natural Deodorant
- Orgone Effects for Geopathic Stress
- Papaya Ointment
- Pink Crystal Salt
- Polarity Screens
- Related Articles
- Salt Crystal Bars
- Salt Crystal Lamps
- Salt Crystal Tealights
- Silver Clove Oil and Balm
- SIP Organic Teas
- Tachyon Energy Products
- Titan Ion Energiser
- Vitamin E
- Hindu
- Home Items
- Adi Da Rasa
- Aromatherapy Incense
- Auroshikha Natural Incense
- Ayurvedic Incense
- Dhoop, Cones
- Garden Sticks
- Gift Boxes
- Incense Holders
- Japanese Incense
- Kamini Incense
- Moondance
- Mount Romance Mosquito Coils
- Nag Champa
- Natural Tibetan Incense
- Other selected incense
- Padmini
- Sage and other Smudge Sticks
- Shrinivas Sugandhalaya
- Spiritual Sky Incense
- Super Hit Incense
- Tibetan Healing Incense
- Vijayshree
- Japanese Items
- Bracelets
- Brooches
- Ceramic Jewellery
- Copper, Bronze and Brass Jewellery
- Designer Jewellery
- Gem Earrings
- Gem Necklaces
- Gem Pendants
- Gem Rings
- Hair Pins and Clasps
- Italian and other selected jewellery
- Leather
- Leather and Rubber Necklaces
- Orieult Jewellery
- Other Earrings
- Other Pendants and Necklaces
- Other Rings
- Pewter
- Silver Chains and Chokers
- Silver Earrings
- Silver Pendants
- Silver Rings
- Gem Bracelets
- Double-terminator pendants
- Music, Relaxation, Audio, DVD
Natural Beauty Products
- Soul Tree Ayurvedic
- About natural beauty products
- Aura Skin Care
- Billie Goat Soap Products
- Dindi Natural Room Mist
- Dindi Natural Soap
- Dindi Naturals Gift Pouches
- Dindi Travel Shampoo
- Foot Care
- Kio Kio
- Nag Champa Soap
- Nature's Creations
- Nature's Symphony
- Other Soap
- Pure Earth
- Reniu Virgin Coconut
- Salt Crystal
- Shampoo and Conditioner
- Thurlby Herb
- Tisserand Aromatherapy
- Weleda
- Xanna Olive Oil Soap
- Shea Butter
- Organic Rosehip Oil
- Face Nourishment
- Tibetan
- Turkish
- Specials
- Wind Chimes
- Home and Garden and Second Hand