Recommendations for 2012

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Recommendations for 2012
Ivory dragon pictured found under Feng Shui Animals


A brief summary of recommendations for 2012, taken from my Feb. newsletter.

...Now its welcome to the Year of the Water Dragon. I have heard many people say they are looking forward to a better year! The Dragon is a legendary animal in the east and west. In Chinese culture the dragon animates all forms and can represent the yin and yang and the subtle energy or ch'i. Despite any horoscope prediction, the Dragon seems to evoke an expectation of something better this year because of it's mysticism.

With regards to the annual Flying Stars, which are about to change on 4th February, here is a simple summary of what to attend to. Please dont hesitate to contact me if you need clarification because of existing cures for your home.

The nuisance 5 star moves to the SE this year, requiring chimes or bell in this sector and removal of red or fire elements. With the Grand Duke here as well, avoid renovations and disturbance such as digging and dont sit facing this direction for any length of time.

The 2 star moves to the north and requires metal coins, gourd or singing bowl to avoid sickness and other bad luck. You can use black or metallic colours, but avoid red.

The 3 star moves to the SW and to avoid discord, arguments or legal problems, add candles, red or purple, lights or triangular shapes for fire. But avoid adding significant water, wood or metal in this sector.

In the NW add some blue or black, but avoid red, earth colours and crystals and any disturbance, to keep conflict at bay. Place a Pi Yao or Tortoise Dragon in this sector facing the SE to appease the Grand Duke.

Favourable directions: the South can possibly enhance career, but avoid renovations this year and its best not to sit with your back to the South. If your front door faces south, two Fu Dogs can offer protection.

The West has the favourable 8 star, so you can add crystals and water for activity, but no extra metal. The East is promising for academic and artistic pursuits, romance and travel. But dont forget to remove the chimes from 2011. The NE offers promotion and good fortune for new beginnings.

If you are a Dog or Dragon, a Rooster symbol is recommended this year.

While there are many variables with any one home, a quick check can avoid unnecessary setbacks and upset, while casting a fresh glance to what surrounds us.

I was reading a Nova article about lead, and how its one of the most pervasive of heavy metals, which can cause serious health problems. Peter Dingle PhD noted that it is still found as a contaminant in the dust in our homes, usually near the entrance where it is brought in on people's shoes, with the highest levels being found near the front door...' If you have thought about removing shoes before entering your home, this bit of info might provide a prompt to create a new habit to leave the outside world behind, while preserving your homely space.

Discoveries about the adverse effects of materials are usually found long after they have already caused damage. Just in case you still dont have some protection for mobile phone use, an e-book on Living Now website describes concern about the cell damage from progressively accumulating radiation fields. Brain tumours take about 10-15 years to form, so any clear trend detected now will almost certainly be the vanguard of a far greater problem in the future. Even a recent newspaper article mentioned the behavioural changes possible in children who spend long periods playing with technology.

More attention to Feng Shui can help this trend, by putting us back in touch with the elements! Otherwise the Cosmic Dragon may well be moving primal forces to bring back the balance....
