Simple Yoga

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Simple Yoga
by Cybele TOMLINSON - hard back


The fifth book in Conari Press Simple Wisdom series, Simple Yoga, written by a well-known yoga teacher, is a beginners guide to one of the most popular practices in the world today.

Yoga can be an intimidating and complex form of physical and spiritual exercise, and the vast majority of yoga books address themselves to the advanced practitioner. Simple Yoga, by contrast, is meant for people who are curious about the subject and want an easy-to-use guide to its history, principles, and various techniques. Its accessible approach explains the many benefits of yoga for harried Westerners, offers suggestions for choosing the right routine and teacher, and includes sections that focus on yoga for women, kids, the elderly, and the disabled.

Born of a rich and exotic tradition, yogacalled the technology of ecstasyis available to anyone looking to strengthen, relax, and liberate body, mind, and spirit.